Mindful Walking


busy station

With the exception of mindful eating, the practices we have learned so far have been stationary. In this lessson, we are learning the practice of mindful walking.

Mindful walking can be practiced informally, simply being aware of the sensations of walking – the feeling of the feet on the ground, the muscle movements of the body, the sense of the body in space (known as proprioception).

It can also be a formal practice, and one that you could do in place of your traditional seated practice (again, this course is all about introducing you to various mindfulness practices, and, as your own best teacher, you can decide which ones work best for you).

I tend to like seated meditation, so when I first learned mindful walking, I was skeptical (oh, that constantly judging mind!) But there are some powerful benefits to the practice, and it is great for people who prefer a more “active” practice (though this certainly is not a calorie-burning exercise!)

Watch the video below for my instructions on mindful walking.

Can you believe we are halfway through the course already?

I am so proud of your commitment to your practice — take some time this weekend to honor yourself for this amazing self-care you are doing!

And, please email me or post in the Facebook group with any questions you may have about the course and your practice so far!

***NOTE: Next week is a practice/catch-up week. There will be no new content, although there will be a “Week 4” segment open on the website where you can leave comments or questions. There will be another live call at the end of the week.

Use the week to continue your practice and catch up on lessons and ask questions. Then we’ll be ready to dive into working with stress and anxiety in week 5!

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