Guided Meditation

steamIf you are just starting a mindfulness and meditation practice, you may find it helpful to use guided meditations. You can click here to access a guided meditation from me.

I encourage you to find 5 minutes — perhaps before the kiddos wake up, during naptime, on your lunch break at work, or before you go to bed at night — to do this meditation (or 5 minutes of silent meditation on your own) EACH day. As I’ve said before, it’s in these moments of still, silent practice that we really begin to see the benefits of our practice.

If you find that you don’t have time (or make time) one day, that’s fine! Set your intention for the next day, and move forward without beating yourself up about it!

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3 Responses to Guided Meditation

  1. I loved my session! I like the laying down with legs up position for some reason. It seems like it forces me to relax. I tried other positions, but I couldn’t relax my mind as easy as when I do laying down.

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