


We often speak to ourselves in ways we would never permit others to. But the words we say to ourselves matter, and they can definitely wound us far more than sticks and stones can. So in addition to being mindful of the breath, and of everyday activities, we can be mindful of our thoughts; specifically, we can bring awareness to the way in which we speak to ourselves.

What are your go-to self-deprecating words? As I said in the video, for the longest time, I would berate myself that I was “a terrible mother.” And after saying it enough times, I started to believe it.

I learned to reframe that thought into “Right now, I’m thinking I’m a terrible mother.” That’s so different! I was recognizing that the thought was temporary, that this particular moment was really hard, but that it would pass. The thought would pass. That thought no more defined me than the thought “I ate breakfast” defined me!

I truly believe that this is the level where mindfulness can have a profoundly transformational impact on our lives — we don’t have to believe everything we think! When we begin to watch our words, the transformation can begin.

Your Mindful Move

For today, watch your words. Do you criticize yourself? Do you speak unkindly to yourself? Can you catch those thoughts when they begin, and recognize them for what they are (transitory events in your consciousness)? Can you simply acknowledge, “It’s hard right now….” and hold yourself with compassion?