


We are social mammals. Community is NOT optional.

We need a strong social network for optimal thriving.

When we lose a social connection, or when we experience hurt in a relationship, our brain registers it as physical pain. It’s just as much of a threat as a physical injury, which is probably why the words we use to describe social pain are phrases like “heartache” and “broken heart.”

And mindfulness can help us nurture our friendships and relationships. John Tarrant says, “Attention is the most basic form of love.”

How often do you truly pay attention to those you love? How often do you genuinely listen, with an open curiosity, and not an “I know what he’s going to say, I’ve heard it all before” mindset?

Paying attention to others is a deep act of love. We all want to be seen. So nurture your relationships today!

Your Mindful Move

Challenge yourself to have one conversation today where you are fully present. Make eye contact. Don’t just hear the other person’s words, but listen to them. Take them in. Be curious about them. Listen with the intent to understand and connect, not just to respond.