


Mindfulness always begins with the breath… because it is always available, just as presence is always available. When you feel overwhelmed, or when you just need a moment, return to the breath. A deep inhale, a deep exhale… and you’ve activated your body’s relaxation response. Your heart rate slows, the “fight or flight” system deactivates, and you experience a sense of calm. You are in a position to respond skillfully, rather than react unthinkingly.

The last several years have produced an enormous amount of research demonstrating the benefits of a regular mindfulness meditation practice. In addition to lowered rates of depression and anxiety, meditators also have lower rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease. Researchers believe this is because mindfulness practice helps us make healthier decisions and choices; again, it gives us a precious moment of spaciousness, in which a whole world of wise options can be revealed.

We can practice mindfulness in these brief moments and pauses, and we can also cultivate a more formal mindfulness practice by spending a few minutes each day in meditation. To help you get started, I’ve developed this three-minute mindfulness meditation audio guide for you. Perhaps use it in the morning to start your day, or to unwind at the end of the day.

Click the play button below to begin your mindful 2016 journey!

{Audio above not working? Click here for an mp3 version: Breath Meditation}


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