Start with WHY


OK, that’s a BIG question!!!

We’ll get into the serious part of that question later in the week…. For now, I just want to know why you are HERE.

In the comments below, or in the Facebook group, if you’d prefer, introduce yourself to the group — who you are, where you’re from, and what has brought you to A Mindful New Year.Ā Feel free to share any goals you’ve already thought about this year, or ideas about what you might want to do this year. Or feel free to share that you have NO IDEA what you want to do! It’s all good!

Our class can be a powerfully supportive community as we grow and change and succeed and make mistakes and face questions through the year!

22 Responses to Start with WHY

  1. Hi everyone – I’m Molly, here’s a short list….I am a 58 yr old single and childless mother of 2 cats, pescatarian (possibly eventually vegan – but come on, a life without CHEESE???), an exercise enthusiast, an animal and human right’s supporter, political activist (sort of), climate change believing non-religious repeat Brilliant Mindfulness student. I suspect that Sarah’s comment regarding retirement in her video may have something to do with my retiring at the end of 2016. Big **BIG** transition. Corporate rat race to no race at all. Leaving corporate America is wonderful, figuring out ‘what’s next’ is a bit overwhelming. I am taking this class to (hopefully) figure out what direction the next chapter of my life will take. I have lots of ideas – from taking this class to traveling. In time, however, in addition to exercising and traveling (and sleeping in), I will need something to feel productive and useful. I am hoping that this class will help me to identify some of the possibilities. I look forward to reading your comments – see you in class!

  2. Hi, I’m Kristin! I’m 31 years old, a (new!) yoga teacher, and a mom to 7 and 4 year old boys. For the past few years, I’ve enjoyed choosing a word to guide me through the year…this year, my word literally popped into my head during a meditation led by my favorite yoga teacher and mentor. Intention. I knew immediately that it was definitely my word for the year. And then I saw the advertisement for this class and there was the word intention again! I figured it was meant to be, and since I’ve enjoyed Sarah’s other courses so much, I knew I needed to sign up!

    I’m someone who gets lots of ideas and makes big, detailed plans…but my follow through isn’t always the best. That’s why the word intention spoke to me so much. I want to live my life–each day, each moment–with intention, real purpose. So I’m excited to be here and for this course to help me live in a more intentional way!

  3. Molly , you sound really awesome. And Kristin, congrats on the yoga teacher certification, that’s something I would love to do someday.

    Hi I’m Jamie, 30 years old (turning 31 at the end of this month), wife and mom to a 10 month old daughter, and I also work the evening shift at a nonprofit mental health organization. I am here to learn more about how to be present. Being present is a core value of mine and also something I want to model to my daughter. As a people person,it’s easier for me to be in the moment with others, and now I want to learn to be in the moment with myself. To be more comfortable in stillness and when alone- and also to be present when engaged in tasks I find extremely boring (I.e. Paperwork and housework).

    I would also like to learn how to be less reactive to strong feelings. Like when I feel overwhelmed- to pause and make an informed decision rather than act on impulse (which usually means avoidance or procrastination for me). And finally, I am looking forward to viewing myself with more compassion, since I can be kind of hard on myself. Oh, and gaining some clarity since I am considering a few different options for the future.

    All the above is ongoing and probably lifelong, so wont necessarily be resolved during this course. and I have also found that my faith and prayer life has been extremely helpful, but I am excited to take an additional step towards becoming more mindful, starting with this course. I stumbled across it through a link my friend sent me, and I’m glad I did!

    • Welcome Jamie! I think you will find that mindfulness helps us with compassion, clarity, and being less reactive. I’m so glad you found the course!

  4. Hi Im Cissy, glad to meet all of you. I am 71 years old, wife, mother to 2 daughters, 4 grandchildren and 3 greats. I am a number 7 in the Enneagram system. If you are familiar with the enneagram, you know that 7’s usually have a monkey mind and I am no exception. Always thinking about the next fun thing I am going to do – so I am always thinking and doing and avoiding feelings, especially negative ones. Contemplative practices/mindfulness have been recommended to help me focus and ‘balance’ out in the ‘feeling department’! Jamie, I will be really interested to know how much mindfulness helps you to be less reactive to strong feelings. My grand daughter has some issues with strong feelings and impulsivity, maybe mindfulness could help her.

    • Hello Cissy and welcome! Yes — mindfulness can be very helpful for kids in terms of managing their responses and working with tough and emotions. You can find a lot of information on my blog and at about teaching mindfulness to kids.

  5. Hi, my name is Patricia, people call me Pato. I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am married and I have two children, 6 and 3 years old. Right now it’s summer in here, so I’m taking the summer break.
    My profession is Occupational Therapist and I dedicate myself to pediatrics.
    I never did a virtual course (and even the less one entirely in english).
    It is my first approach to Mindfulness and Sarah’s courses. I really am very anxious to change certain aspects of my life.
    I feel that I am always waiting … hoping that something better happens to me, waiting to be happy when something happens … Last year I had a very melancholy year in the personal aspect, but especially in work. I do not fell, my work as excited as it used to be anymore. I spend my time grumbling and I really want to rock this year.
    Thank you for being there, in the other side of the screen!

    P.D. Sorry if my english is not clear enough šŸ˜‰

  6. Hi, my name is Hilary Nelson, I live in Portland, Oregon. It is not easy for me to talk about myself but I see what an interesting group we have taking this course and want to be a part of it. I found Sarah on line quite by chance last year and took two of her courses. After a few very hard years I realized I was still here and needed to move forward. Brilliant Mindful You course helped me tremendously and mindfulness and meditation became an important part of my life. This year I want to go one step further and find ways to improve my life. I work with medically fragile children, a job that I love and am passionate about but when I return home and close my front door I have no idea who I truly am. I have spent the last two days staring at the circles of the My Value worksheet! I want to reconnect with the me who left Scotland by myself many years ago, leaving friends and family to come to America where I knew no one just because it was there. I am a work in progress and look forward seeing what I can unfold.

  7. Hi everyone! I’m Laura Miller. I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I’ll be 32 this week and have three small kids (1,3, & 4 years old). Life is chaotic and wonderful, but I’m definitely feeling the rush of life lately – going through motions, having moments of joy, but not feeling deeply connected or present in my life all the time. I found Sarah’s course through an article that was shared by a parenting author I follow, Janet Lansbury. After reading the article about how important and impactful mindfulness can be for mothers, I was inspired to try it! Like Cissy, I am always thinking about the future, the next big thing (wonder if I am a 7 on the ennegram :)) and like Jamie, I also understand feeling overwhelmed and diverting/shutting down a little instead of dealing with my feelings without judgement. I’m glad to get to know all of you and happy I am here!

    • Welcome Laura! I have found mindfulness to be incredibly powerful in dealing with the daily chaos of motherhood. I hope you find the same… it can be so overwhelming, and it helps me so much to just find a few breaths, and remove myself from all the judgments in my head, and just focus on what is in front of me.

      I’m so glad you found the class!

  8. Hi! My name is Monique from Vancouver, Canada. I am a forty three year old mother of four, teacher, wife and student. I am is currently taking my Masters in Self-Regulation, Social-Emotional Behaviour in the classroom. Mindfulness was first introduced to me in one of my first classes and I have been hooked ever since. I have taken two of Sarah’s classes before and have really learned a lot. My passion is to bring Mindfulness to children through the school system. Last year I went into my sons school and did a six week course on Mindfulness to a couple of the grades. I am hoping to go into more schools and share my passion. I have found that practicing Mindfulness has helped me stay more present in my crazy, busy life.

  9. This is my third class with Sarah, Hi, I am Kathleen Nordland, 61 yr wife, mother and new grandmother and live in San Diego CA. I still work part-time as a dental hygienist and was led to Sarah through my cognitive therapist. Hitting menopause was rough on me and it’s been a year since climbing out on that “hole” to begin feeling “whole” again. Breathing, meditation and being present have been a big part of my healing and happiness. I loved reading these comments and especially love that some of you are bringing mindfulness to children! Sarah is just so real and I can easily relate to her. Best wishes for a new discovery in this class!

    • Welcome Kathleen! I love your line about holes leading us to wholeness! I am so glad you are here and thank you for your kind words. šŸ™‚

  10. HI, thanks for introducing yourselves. I am looking forward to this course. I have 4 adult sons and I am about to enter a new decade of life next month. Getting older does;t bother me, I enjoy my life very much. I have been so busy for years as a mother and with my career, that I am always on the go. I have always focused on others and not taking time for myself. Looking at the next phase of my life, I want to focus on developing a deeper relationship with ‘me’ – who I am now and where I want to go in this next chapter of life. Finding the time to reflect, journal, and live intentionally is something that I really hope to achieve through this course.

    • Welcome Karen! I’m so glad you are here and hope you’ll find the inspiration you are looking for for the next life phase… I’m excited to see what you share with us and what a new stage will bring for you.

  11. Hi. I am Paula. A 58 years young and learning how to be comfortable in my own
    skin. Life is my teacher and i am at times a reluctant student. The growth and comfort i have experienced has given me the courage to continue this journey. A wonderful friend and mentor recommended Sarah and has taken her courses.
    Ergo.. here i am. Computers are challenging for me so I have already met my struggles just learning how to “log on”. Hopefully I will educate myself as we go. So nice to meet each and everyone of you. Thank you for
    introducing yourselves.

    • Welcome Paula! I’m so glad to have you here! I think we spend our whole lives learning to be comfortable in our skin; I know that has been a big part of my life journey.

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