Guided Meditations


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Mindfulness, as I’ve stated, is both a formal practice and a way of being in the world. Throughout this week, I encourage you to practice mindfulness in both of these ways:

  • Bringing awareness to your body state, your breathing, your senses, or your thoughts at various times during the day (perhaps choose a common activity during your day, such as turning on a light switch, checking your phone, getting into your car, etc., as your signal to do a quick check-in)
  • Setting aside time for formal practice (I recommend starting with just five minutes a day — set a timer and practice coherent breathing, belly breathing, or use one of the guided practices below)

For me, the best time to meditate is in the morning… but find the time of day that will work best for YOU. Perhaps it’s during your lunch break, while the kids are napping, in the car before leaving work, or right before bed. I encourage you to find a time of day that’s consistent, as this makes it easier for meditation to become a habit.

Below you will find two guided meditations. The first is a basic introduction to mindfulness of the breath. The second one has a bit more “silent time” (and less narration), and is a basic introduction to meditation practice.

Remember, each time you practice, each time you deliberately focus your attention on the breath and the body, you are strengthening the neural pathways in your body for focus, concentration, and relaxation!

Click here to download Introduction to Mindfulness of the Breath.

Click here to download Introduction to Meditation.

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