How to Meditate, Part 1



One of the most common questions I’m asked about meditation is, “How do I sit? Can I lie down to meditate?”

Let me say right off the bat that I think you should meditate in whatever position makes you comfortable, and allows you to remain alert. The video below is not intended to be prescriptive in the sense that YOU HAVE TO MEDITATE THIS WAY OR ELSE YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. Because you can’t do meditation wrong!

Consider this video a bunch of helpful suggestions and tips for various postures for meditation — you may need to experiment a bit and find what works best for you. (Note: the sound isn’t the greatest in this video because I’m moving around a bit to show different postures and I’m not mic’ed).

When you practice each day, you can use the audio provided in the first lesson this week, or you can set a timer for 5 minutes and meditate on your own. Remember, we all have five minutes in our day — mindfulness is a practice, and we need to make the time to strengthen our mental muscles. Enjoy your workout!

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